Aspirations for the Winter Term 2022
As the MSc Global Health students are planning next steps in their graduate school journey, there are certainly no shortage of options. Currently, the Fall term is wrapping up and students are busy balancing ongoing academic responsibilities with preparations for where their respective course concentrations will take them.
Starting next term, students will begin to narrow in on their unique global health interests through either the course- or thesis-based stream the program offers. Students who have opted to enroll in the course-based stream have the opportunity to specialize in one of the many unique concentrations offered at McMaster or one of the program’s partner universities. Students choosing to follow the thesis-based stream will continue their studies at McMaster and begin working on their global health research endeavors.
No matter what stream students choose, the Winter term will undoubtedly look different than the first. Those who have elected to pursue one of the McMaster concentrations, will be welcomed back to campus as the university starts to open its doors for in-person learning. For those pursuing one of the program’s mobility options at one of our partnership universities, in-person learning will most likely be happening abroad next term.
Insights into the Thesis-Based Stream
Prospective thesis students have been busy identifying global health topics of interest, finding supervisors, and drafting their research proposals in preparation for the Winter term. This stream will allow students to delve deep into global health research and contribute valuable knowledge to the field through their scholarly work. This is an incredibly valuable opportunity for students to work with passionate experts, build strong research skills, and contribute to improving health through global health research.
MSc Global Health student Rachel Leun shares her thoughts why she chose the thesis-based stream.
“I chose the thesis route because I wanted to explore some of the different hands-on global research opportunities that are out there. The chance to focus on a specific topic I’m passionate about was hard to pass up. I’m really excited about working with and learning from potential supervisors and people I meet along the way. I think pursuing a thesis will definitely be a challenge but is one of the best ways to get a rich understanding of what it is like to work in a global health context. I’m looking forward to applying all the lessons I learn through this process to my future pursuits and helping as many people as I can along the way.”
Insights into the Course-Based Stream
Throughout the Winter term, students can choose one of three concentrations offered at McMaster: Global Health Management, Globalization and Equity, or Global Health: Disease Burden, Challenges and Changes. Students who opt for the course-based stream will focus on a more direct approach by applying the knowledge and skills throughout the program and then work towards a practicum and scholarly paper. This program-plan is designed to enhance their ability to combine ideas of global policy, research, and analysis into a unique experience for their professional career journeys.
MSc Global Health student Mariam Mina discusses her motivation for pursuing the Global Health Management concentration and how it will benefit her future career-path.
“Coming from a science background in my bachelor’s, I was eager to study health and healthcare through a different lens during this Master’s program. The Health Management stream appealed to me due to its focus on the business aspects of healthcare systems. Through this stream, I hope to dive deeper into topics such as health economics, health care financing, and resource allocation. I also look forward to enhancing my skills in leadership, strategic thinking, and financial decision-making. Gaining this perspective will allow me to become a more informed decision-maker and leader as a global health professional and aspiring healthcare professional.”
Insights into Mobility Options
For students who are pursuing the mobility options next term, a different yet exciting challenge awaits them. These students will spend the next four months studying abroad and collaborating with cross-cultural teams that closely mimic the working reality in the global health field. This will be the first time since the pandemic that students are allowed to travel to our partnership universities.
To give you a sense of how students are feeling about their upcoming adventure at Maastricht University and Universidad del Rosario, we have included a couple of students’ direct thoughts for you to read below!
While you are at it – check out this video to get a glimpse of past students’ experiences with the virtual mobility streams.
Jessica Vergara is heading to the Universidad del Rosario to take the Community Health in Moving Populations concentration.
“I had the privilege of partaking in a public health research project in the Institute of Nutrition at the University of Chile in Santiago, Chile as a summer research student. I evaluated the presence and contamination rates of Listeria monocytogenes (LM), a serious public health concern particularly for vulnerable populations. My experience in Chile helped me realize that social factors – like poverty, education, food security – have an impact on the overarching health of a community. For this reason, I am particularly fascinated by the specialization in Community Health offered by the Universidad del Rosario in Bogota, Colombia. With this opportunity, I can explore the policies and social conditions that influence healthcare in Latin America, particularly with regards to vulnerable populations such as migrants and displaced peoples.”
Emily Smith is heading to Maastricht University for the Global Health Leadership and Organization stream.
“For the Winter Term, I am hoping to follow the “Global Health Leadership and Organization” track at Maastricht University. I am excited about this opportunity as I aim to pursue a career in global health program development and management. In this stream, I hope to learn the necessary skills to be able to design and implement innovations and involve stakeholders in the process. I will also have the opportunity to understand interactions between global, intermediate, and local levels. And, most importantly, I will be exposed to a variety of perspectives that will prepare me for my career in global health. I am a bit nervous since this stream follows a different course format than we have at McMaster. Overall I am excited to potentially meet some of my group members from Foundations I that I have been collaborating with throughout the Fall Term.”
After hearing from these students, we are all so excited to see what successes students will achieve in the Winter term. Stay tuned for more updates from us in the near future!
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